1. Graco Sound Machine- This machine has been a life saver. Not only does Korbin Bru like it, but mommy and daddy does too. It has this neat little blue light that I just reach over and tap when he wakes up for a feeding. It keeps it nice and dim in the room but provides enough light for mommy to feed the little guy. It has 12 different sounds, including lullabies (one of which he really likes), nature sounds (the sound of rain and bugs are his favorite and truthfully our favorite too) and white noise sounds. It is small and portable and also has a feature to use your IPOD or MP3 player which I haven't tried yet.
2. Double Feature Mirror-This little beauty keeps our son occupied for hours (not really hours but a good 20 minutes-enough to gobble down something quick to eat). On one side it is a mirror, which Korbin loves to "talk" to the baby in the mirror. The other side has 6 black and white pictures (high contrast graphic toy) and has helped him stopped being cross-eyed all the time which always freaked my husband out. We have used it prior to nap time to help settle him down. We have also used it during tummy time. We place him on the Mambo and put the mirror or graphics down under him and he will look at it ( and drool on it)!
3. Carseat Canopy- Mommy likes that it keeps Korbin covered while Korbin likes the pattern side and the softness of the solid side. I got this carseat canopy with a coupon that the hospital gave me. It took me over a month to go over all the little pieces of paper that I knew were just coupons and information that might or might not be pertinent. (When your baby sleeps giving you time to do things, the last thing on your mind is a COUPON! Later, as we were cleaning off our desk, my husband found it and we decided to get it. All we had to pay for was the shipping and handling. It has so many different prints to choose from. I love how easy it is to use. It just has velcro snaps that attach over the handles. Now they offer a personalization for the covers too. I wish they had that option when I ordered mine (they may have but in my sleep deprived state, I missed it). I picked the Maddox. The also offer a whole Caboodle which has like 5 things included. I decided not to use my coupon for an upgrade but just to get the free cover instead. I sort of wish now that I had just used it as an upgrade. Hindsight.
4. Mod Swad - This is the softest product that he has. I truly wish that they made these in adult sizes because it is so soft. The bamboo one is the one that we purchased. At first, the little guy was not having it at all. But, we tried it again, and he fell asleep on his own in his crib for a nap. I was like AH-HA! The only thing that worries me is that our little guy is super strong. He really likes his hands but he still can't sleep with them out. They don't flail like they use too but he can't stop rubbing his face and his eyes when not in a swaddle. He is so strong that he can pull it up over him, but not for long. If I had a little girl, I would definately have the head pieces that match because they are too cute! When he can actually do the no swaddle thing, we want to get him the sleeper.
5. Nap Nanny - This product was truly a good product for us. Our son was diagnosed with reflux fairly early on. Everytime we would lay him down flat, up it all came. It would scare him, and he would scream. This would wake him up and we would have to start the whole put to sleep process all over again. Seriously, mommy and daddy were super tired! We bought this product because I had seen it recommended and heard good things about it. Although he didn't sleep nearly like some of the other reviewers said their babies did, his sleep did improve because it didn't take us as long to get him to go to sleep and stay asleep. Plus, momma didn't worry about him choking on his spit up as much as when he was laying flat. Luckily, Korbin has outgrown it in terms of his sleeping arrangement which is good news for us because the product has been RECALLED. This saddens me because I really would recommend this product if it had not been recalled.
6. Fisher Price Rocker/Sleeper - We really wanted Korbin out of the Nap Nanny, but he didn't like his crib or play pen sleep area just yet. We knew we still could not lay him down flat. This little rocker has an incline that was just the ticket. He sleeps so good in this thing. Of course, it still isn't great sleep yet. It does have an extra deep seat so the baby feels that he is safe and secure. It does rock, and it is easy at 2 am in the morning when you are to blurry eyed to even make out your own hand, to reach over and give it a gentle "push" to make it rock. It is so lightweight and easy to move around. The only downfall is for me is that it is a little on the short side. I do wish that it sat just a little bit higher or my bed mattress was a little bit shorter (lol).
But it seems like all the products that I really like and have success with has been RECALLED. The reason for the recall is for possible mold. They are not taking the product back they just give instructions on how to clean it.
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